Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ROUGH day yesterday...better today

So yesterday was a very stressful day. Monday night I was feeling a little uncomfortable but didn't think too much of it. When I woke up yesterday morning I wasn't feeling as much movement as I would like and got on the monitor right away. Within 10 minutes Baby B's hear rate drop to 80's-90's and stayed there for longer than I liked. A nurse came in and had me move side to side and the heart rate started to go up to the 110-1teens. She called for my nurse to come with the ultrasound machine and started me on oxygen. My nurse showed up with a nurse practioner and another nurse. They scanned the babies and started an IV. It took about 15-20 minutes (I seemed like forever to me) to get her heart rate back into the 120's-130's. Both babies baselines run about 140-150 so I knew she was having a tough time still. They kept me on oxygen for a bit and eventually her heart rate came back up to her normal hear rate. Because of this they wanted to monitor me for about 3-4 hours. During that time both babies heart rates had a few dip down into the 1teens but only for a beat and would bounce right back up. After about 4 hours they came in to let me off the monitor and Baby A decided it would be her turn to give mommy a scare. Her heart rate dropped and they put me back on oxygen. Thankfully hers rose a lot faster than Baby B's did earlier and after about 2 hours they let me come off to shower. I was on the monitor from it was a long and stressful day. They monitored me again at my normal time at night, about 8-8:30 and they looked much better. Because of the day though, they wanted to monitor me in the middle of the night so at my 4 am procardia time they had me monitor for about 45 minutes. And again, they looked better. It was a night of tossing and turning, but today they are doing MUCH better. There have only been very few dips to the 1teens and they bounce right back (which that is considered normal). There is really no change in plans as far as how things are handled from here on out. It's just a case by case basis during each monitoring session. If they look good, I monitor for an hour and get off. If they don't I will stay on longer. I did add a monitoring session to each day so now I am monitoring 4 times instead of 3. They are looking for continuous drops like I had yesterday and they would take them out. So I'm glad they are doing better today and hope that was just a bad day that won't happen again any time soon. My nurse from yesterday did come to see me today even though I'm not her patient today, and she did tell me that fortunately yesterday was somewhat mild to what she has seen she hoped that eased my mind. It reaffirmed my decision to come in to the hospital when I did. I am definitely in the right place! If I had waited until 28 weeks like some momo moms do I wouldn't have seen that happening and something terrible could have happened. But I am here, and as much as it gets lonely and I want to go home, it's where I need to be for my little angels to be safe. My first milestone for their health is to get to 28 weeks and then I need to shoot for 32.....only 3 more days until 28....So keep us in your prayers! And I will keep you posted. Ultrasound tomorrow morning....can't wait to see if they are still meauring ahead and what they weigh.


  1. Hey,
    Jeannette told me what was going on with you. I am praying for you and the girls. They will be fine, I just know it, they have a strong Momma! Lo is doing good, threw up on her surgeon today though. Thought it was funny. Let me know if I can do anything for you. Love you!

  2. How scary for you! You must be exhausted. What good timing that the ultrasound is tomorrow; I know it will give you peace of mind. I know you're bored and loney but you really are where you need to be. Good parents have to make tough choices and you and Louis are sure making some of those. Your babies are so lucky to have you both. Hang tough, honey.


  3. Hey Em and Lou! I am doing a whole lot of praying lately and it seems to be working!! Hoep everything goes well with the sonogram! Miss you guys so much and just remember to makes your teeth shiney!!! Love you!! Jeannette

  4. Hi Em,
    I hope you and the girls are still holding in there! I wish I could be closer so I could visit and keep you three company! I miss you and think about you everyday. Can't wait till those little girls come out so I can see pictures! (In due time of course-no rushing it girls!) Love you
