Well day 1 has come and gone and day 2 is more than half way over.....only something like 69 more days.....well, let's not get too technical :). Anyhow, my amazing husband threw me a little "going away" party Sunday night which was very thoughtful and generous of him. I didn't sleep a wink Sunday night and started to get an upset stomach. I started the morning yesterday not feeling well at all. Louis blamed it on nerves, but I thought it was something more. I couldn't eat anything even as much as my mind knew I needed to.....so I just paced around the house for awhile making sure I had everything I needed.
After dropping Barrett off at daycare and saying my goodbyes to him, which I have to say was probably the hardest thing I have had to do as a mommy, we headed to the hospital. I checked in yesterday morning at about 10:30ish at 24 weeks and 2 days. When I arrived up to my floor the nurses announced "the momo mom is here!"....it's like I am a celebrity :). My room is nice and big and I would have a view of the mountains if there weren't a haze over Colorado from the California fires. But better to be here then there I guess. Once I got settled in a bit, I managed to eat some cereal since I hadn't eaten anything yet and the nurse got me hooked up to the monitors. At this point in pregnancy the babies are still moving quite a bit and it can be difficult to monitor them....but the girls showed off and stayed on the monitors with no troubles for an hour...the nurse was impressed. Shortly after that, the stress and no sleep caught up to me and I dozed off for a bit. After waking up from my nap I still didn't feel very well....see, I knew Louis was wrong ;). I got my first round of steroids to help with the lung development of the babies.....the shot wasn't as bad as I thought, but can't understand why some people shoot themselves in their ass daily! Anyhow, didn't do very much else the whole day.
Louis and Barrett came to visit me last night. I ordered some dinner and managed to eat a little bit...Bear ate most of it. After they left they monitored the babies again...this time they weren't as cooperative, but did ok. As for Bear, it's going to be difficult for him to be here for much longer than an hour. Louis will need to bring some toys and books and leave them here for him to play with. I think he is confused but that's understandable. Louis said that when he picked him up from daycare yesterday he said "do you want to go see mommy?" Bear said "yes" and Louis said "at the hospital" and Bear said "babies"...so maybe he understands more than we think. But bedtime was confusing for him last night...I guess he wondered where mommy was.....I am looking forward to seeing him tonight!
This morning I woke up STARVING and knew that my stomach bug was just a 24 hour deal...Thank God :)! I ate breakfast and was then monitored. These girls are ACTIVE! Keeping them on the monitors was difficult, but we managed to get a pretty good hour. I read some after that, watched some tv, ate some lunch and was monitored again. This time they were not behaving well at all...beating each other up I think ;), and moving around like you wouldn't believe. We got about 30 good minutes in. I then went to the pool for an hour with other pregnant moms. Met another mom who is having twins, but not momos. She is 30 weeks and went into preterm labor so she's here to stop that. Also met a bearded lady....maybe it was the steroids....YIKES....LOL....just kidding. She was nice and friendly so I am not trying to be mean....I just know some of you enjoyed my little joke. Found out that on Thursday nights there is BINGO night, Sunday night is ice cream night (WOOHOO) and apparently there is an arts and crafts lady who comes around......I feel like I am in a nursing home! Ooooo and one great perk, massages once a week....can't wait for that on Thursday morning. And here I am now. The volume on my TV went out earlier so hopefully they come fix that soon...or hopefully my parents get here soon with Bear :). The plan for the evening is to hang out, eat some dinner, get monitored again and go to sleep....I know, exciting huh :). I can't say that this blog will keep you guys very interested in these beginning days, but I will keep posting to keep everyone informed. Thank you for all of your love and support.
After dropping Barrett off at daycare and saying my goodbyes to him, which I have to say was probably the hardest thing I have had to do as a mommy, we headed to the hospital. I checked in yesterday morning at about 10:30ish at 24 weeks and 2 days. When I arrived up to my floor the nurses announced "the momo mom is here!"....it's like I am a celebrity :). My room is nice and big and I would have a view of the mountains if there weren't a haze over Colorado from the California fires. But better to be here then there I guess. Once I got settled in a bit, I managed to eat some cereal since I hadn't eaten anything yet and the nurse got me hooked up to the monitors. At this point in pregnancy the babies are still moving quite a bit and it can be difficult to monitor them....but the girls showed off and stayed on the monitors with no troubles for an hour...the nurse was impressed. Shortly after that, the stress and no sleep caught up to me and I dozed off for a bit. After waking up from my nap I still didn't feel very well....see, I knew Louis was wrong ;). I got my first round of steroids to help with the lung development of the babies.....the shot wasn't as bad as I thought, but can't understand why some people shoot themselves in their ass daily! Anyhow, didn't do very much else the whole day.
Louis and Barrett came to visit me last night. I ordered some dinner and managed to eat a little bit...Bear ate most of it. After they left they monitored the babies again...this time they weren't as cooperative, but did ok. As for Bear, it's going to be difficult for him to be here for much longer than an hour. Louis will need to bring some toys and books and leave them here for him to play with. I think he is confused but that's understandable. Louis said that when he picked him up from daycare yesterday he said "do you want to go see mommy?" Bear said "yes" and Louis said "at the hospital" and Bear said "babies"...so maybe he understands more than we think. But bedtime was confusing for him last night...I guess he wondered where mommy was.....I am looking forward to seeing him tonight!
This morning I woke up STARVING and knew that my stomach bug was just a 24 hour deal...Thank God :)! I ate breakfast and was then monitored. These girls are ACTIVE! Keeping them on the monitors was difficult, but we managed to get a pretty good hour. I read some after that, watched some tv, ate some lunch and was monitored again. This time they were not behaving well at all...beating each other up I think ;), and moving around like you wouldn't believe. We got about 30 good minutes in. I then went to the pool for an hour with other pregnant moms. Met another mom who is having twins, but not momos. She is 30 weeks and went into preterm labor so she's here to stop that. Also met a bearded lady....maybe it was the steroids....YIKES....LOL....just kidding. She was nice and friendly so I am not trying to be mean....I just know some of you enjoyed my little joke. Found out that on Thursday nights there is BINGO night, Sunday night is ice cream night (WOOHOO) and apparently there is an arts and crafts lady who comes around......I feel like I am in a nursing home! Ooooo and one great perk, massages once a week....can't wait for that on Thursday morning. And here I am now. The volume on my TV went out earlier so hopefully they come fix that soon...or hopefully my parents get here soon with Bear :). The plan for the evening is to hang out, eat some dinner, get monitored again and go to sleep....I know, exciting huh :). I can't say that this blog will keep you guys very interested in these beginning days, but I will keep posting to keep everyone informed. Thank you for all of your love and support.
Hi Em,
ReplyDeleteHow are you holding up? I know it's only day 2 but you seem really upbeat still-yay! So excited for you to have those little girls...hopefully I can meet them sooner than it's taken to meet Barrett (which is never so far). Will you put your address up so I can send you cards to keep you entertained! I hope things continue to go well. As Kath always says-The power of positive thinking does wonders. I love you!
I just wrote a huge post and it didn't go through. I was playing with your bearded lady story: Remember the game Guess WHo?
Brown Hair
Love ya-
Thanks for sharing, I have been wondering about you! I am going to put your blog on mine too! Take care, I should have my sewing machine back at the end of Sept so I can finish your projects :O) It'll give me something to do when I am home with Lo. I will also keep you updated on her! Love you!
Wait a minute, you get ice cream, bingo, massages, and bearded ladies and I have to go to work everyday. I don't know Em that sounds like a pretty sweet spot to me. You take care of yourself and don't worry about a thing.
ReplyDeleteI love the blog, thanks for sharing. Why are they doing steroid injections already? Tell the girls to behave and stay in there for at least 6 more weeks.
praying for you,
ReplyDeleteWe love you tons and are praying for you and the girls! At least you will be all ready for the nursing home when you have to go there=) I have a few extra days off for Labor Day weekend so I will try my best to get down there and see you=) I know Emma cannot come but between you and me it may be a nice break=) Let us know if you need ANYTHING. Love you tons
Thanks for sending me the blog! What is Momo?? I look forward to reading your blogs in the future.
ReplyDeleteKathy Milnes
WOW EM...sounds like ClubMed for Mom's!!! Anyway, sounding good...Keep the Faith : )
ReplyDeletePS yah..what is MOMO?
Thanks everyone! For those who don't know, Momo twins are twins that share 1 sac, 1 placenta (monoamniotic/monochorionic). They are extremely high risk because of cord entanglement and compression and only 1% of twin pregnancies are this type. Until 24 weeks there is nothing anyone can do if something is going wrong. Once moms reach 24 weeks they are admitted into the hospital for monitoring and if there is a problem, they can come out. Obviously not the best case scenario, we would like them to stay in to at least 32 weeks...but it will be 34-36 weeks at best. As for the steroid shots, they give those as soon as you are admitted in case the babies have to come that early. I believe, assuming things go smoothly, they will do another round when we decide a c-section date, if we get that luxury. Hope that cleared that up for some of you :). Let me know if you have any other questions though. I know more about twins now than I ever thought I would :)!
ReplyDeleteHey Em! So glad you started a blog I look forward to reading your progress and hearing about your adventures in the hospital, and yes I laughed about the bearded woman comment! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHi Em...Thanks for the education!! I was clueless :) Now is this an outdoor pool??? or will it be a skate rink before you leave...LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it is difficult without your men and difficult for them with out there leading Lady. Thank God they can visit you!! Just a quick note to let you know I'm thinking about you : ) : ) Love ya Em..give the guys a hug for me and a extra one for yourself!!!